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Flying into the shadows
I m dancing with the sun
Killing my soul,
I'm stretched and turned
planning my run...

Flying into the sand
my feet feel so sweat
moving like crazy ghosts
I'm walking deep
I let deepy traces
and draw funny faces
cause I m leaving far from here

I go I go I go  I m gonna gonna go
I go I go I go  I m gonna go yes I go
I run  for fun and I play  with the sun
I go I go I go  I m gonna gonna go
I go dont know where
but I dont care
I go I go I go wo oh

Flying with the wind
some smoke in my nose
my eyes are closed
can't see nothing

flying and jerking
My motion with  my feelings

my arms heavy
my head is dumby
my heart refuses

my blood is hot
My body stops
cause I'm leaving far from here


Paroles : Lionel PASQUIER
Parolier France / LP Music France

TASTE IN VIBES - Gangsta Run
Genre : Ska, Rock Steady
Pays : France / Langue : Anglais, English

Texte déposé Sacem - ISWC : T-702.281.625.9

Auteurs compositeurs : Lionel Pasquier,
Taste In Vibes

Album "what's going on"
Les Productions de l'impossible

Ecoute du titre et de l'album sur DEEZER :

Gangsta Run (I go) en Live

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